This website is operated by the school Bright International School, Ажыбек Баатыр 1а, Bishkek on the EduPage content management system ( The technical operator of the server of this website is the company aSc Applied Software Consultants, s.r.o.
Information about the website operator:
- Название школы
- Bright International School, Ажыбек Баатыр 1а, Bishkek
- Эл. почта школы
- Электронная почта веб-мастера
- Primary phone
- +996555855306
- Other phone numbers
- +996 505 620 620
+996 556 620 620
- Адрес школы
- Bishkek, Ажыбек баатыра 1а.
720038 Bishkek